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The  35//50 Initiative out of  Alberta to commit to a set of organizational beliefs and policies, rooted in anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices, and to achieve a minimum of 35% IBPOC and 50% women or non-binary people in paid, professional positions by 2024/2025 theatrical seasons. 


Bustle & Beast is proud to stand with and support the 35//50 Initiative. As an independent theatre company, though we continue to operate on a per-project basis, we are deeply committed to an on-going re-evaluation of our practices, programming, artistic and community engagement, and outreach. 


We are committed to transparency in our reporting for all of our projects* and initiatives and are currently reviewing ways we will be able to gather that information through various voluntary self-identification opportunities. 


We are committed to ensuring paid positions for everyone involved in the work we create. 


We are also committed to ongoing Anti-oppression training and safe(r) spaces practices.  


There is a lot of work still to do, and are grateful for the call in and call to action. We invite other indie theatre companies, collectives, and producers to engage with this initiative. To find out more:


*We are currently working on publishing the stats from our recent production and will post as soon as they are available.




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